Karl Constant leads a prayer at the beginning of 中北书院's 马丁路德•金纪念日.


MLK Vision Day program encourages change and action


为了纪念牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.的生日, the 中北书院 多元文化事务办公室 hosted the annual MLK Vision Day and Teach-In on January 15 in the Wentz Science Center. Despite subzero weather conditions, the event saw a turnout that included faculty, 工作人员, 校友, 民选官员, local residents and friends of the College, with students making up one-third of the registered attendees. 著名嘉宾包括.S. 代表. 比尔福斯特, Naperville Mayor Scott Wehrli ’91, and Judge John Anderson of the Illinois Circuit Court (see first photo below). 

Karl Constant, assistant director of multicultural affairs, officially opened the program at 11:00 a.m., in memory of King’s visit to 中北书院 beginning at the same time of day on Nov. 21, 1960. Constant welcomed attendees and introduced 赞美的声音, North Central’s student-led gospel choir, for the first of several performances throughout the day (see second photo below).

President Anita Thomas, 代表resentative 比尔福斯特, and other dignitaries.
赞美的声音, 中北书院's student-led gospel choir.


The event’s traditional prayer luncheon featured a keynote address from Carlos G. 罗德里格斯, one of the quad-chairs of the Illinois Poor People’s Campaign, an organization that advocates for policy changes to improve the lives of those living below the poverty line, 不分种族. He reviewed the Campaign’s history, including the inspiration it draws from King, and highlighted the many actions the Campaign is involved in to bring about a revival of devotion to the rights of the poor. 

罗德里格斯 quoted the Campaign’s founders and their desire for a new devotion to the rights of the poor, 说, "We need a moral movement across the nation.  A movement that is about the moral fabric of our society, guided by a deep moral and Constitutional vision of what is possible."

Content creator and influencer 乌鸦Schwam-Curtis gave the closing keynote address. She talked about the potential of the digital space as a tool for what she called “the collective liberation of marginalized communities.” Schwam-Curtis cited several primary tenets of liberation including true care over performative allyship, 真相与责任, and modeling the behavior we want to see in the world.

She gave examples to illustrate how racial micro-aggressions are prevalent in digital media due to the relative anonymity of posting to social sites and in comments. She stressed the importance of maintaining civility and positivity in response to such aggression. 

“You must be disciplined enough in your character, particularly when you are challenged or triggered, that you can be disciplined in your communication,施瓦姆-柯蒂斯说.

The day included two teach-in sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Attendees could choose from several seminars with speakers from North Central exploring the theme of “Normalcy, 再也没有!” Each session took a different look at the Poor People’s Campaign and Dr. 金分享了“每个人都进来, nobody out” approach to working for diversity, 股本, inclusion and belonging and how it echoes even now. Some of the presenters were current students and young 校友. As they explored issues relevant to their development as 领导人, they displayed their knowledge and ability to 对话 创造积极的改变. 

