
President Thomas Holds Roundtable on 多样性, 股本, 包容 and Belonging

Conversation takes center stage during inauguration weekend


As part of the weekend celebrating the inauguration of President Anita Thomas, the North 中央 campus community was invited to attend a panel discussion around the question: “How do you open doors wider to foster a culture of excellence?”

举行 Meiley——11月10日,燕子厅 the event featured panelists William Davis ’71, president of the 中北书院 African American 校友 Association; De 'Jah 菲利普的23, a graduate assistant in the 中北书院 Office of 多元文化事务 and former co-president of the 中北书院 Black Student Association; Dr. OiYan Poon, co-director of the College 招生 Futures Co-Laborative; Patrick Watson ’08, president of the DuPage County NAACP; and Dr. Geneace Williams, the diversity, 股本, and inclusion manager for the City of Naperville. Dr. 斯蒂芬·梅纳德·卡连多, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at North 中央, 担任主持人. 

The panelists shared personal stories and provided unique perspectives on 许多的 主题, including immersing oneself in others’ experiences to gain greater understanding; looking beyond labels like racial orientation to see individuals as distinct people; and the importance of seeing from other points of view in conversations about diversity—within communities and in higher education.  

“In order to properly engage in diverse spaces, we need to be willing to challenge our perspectives and what we believe—change where you're seeing things in your worldview to make sure that you're making room for other perspectives, insights and worldviews that are different than your own,菲利普斯说.  

Another prevalent theme was identity. “你是, 我是, the sum of every aspect of what makes us unique—a uniqueness that shapes experience perhaps over our entire lives,威廉姆斯说。. “And when we fail to give one's full identity a seat at the table for critical dialogue and participation, 立博在线体育辜负了人类.” 

President Thomas concluded the event with a note of appreciation for the panel and a pledge to continue discussion about DEIB at North 中央.

"As I think about what role diversity, 股本, inclusion and belonging will continue to play at North 中央, the beginning part of that is just what we did today. It is the importance of dialogue—conversation and communication,” she said.

“We won't go anywhere without our ability to listen, especially when we don't feel like we're an expert, and especially when we feel like we've made a mistake. 听, which I think is the first step in curiosity, 会让立博在线体育订婚吗, 帮助立博在线体育保持道德, purposeful citizens and leaders in local, 国家 以及全球背景.” 

Panelists from the roundtable at President Anita Thomas' inauguration.

Left to right: William Davis, Dr. Geneace Williams, De'Jah Phillips, President Antia Thomas, Dr. OiYan Poon, and Patrick Watson.