Sarmiento ’23 credits welcoming environment at 朝鲜中央 for making her into a “Rising Star”

First-generation 和 transfer student seeks to pass on the guidance she received


Nanci Sarmiento '23 won the 2022 Illinois Rising 本科 Star Award from Region IV-East of NASPA, the national organization for student affairs administrators in higher education. She received her award at the NASPA Regional Conference in Chicago on November 7, 在她父母的陪伴下 玛丽莎 Gaigalas M ’20, associate director of first-generation initiatives at the College.

萨米恩托是一名转学生, having come to 朝鲜中央 in the fall 2021 semester from the College of Lake County. Since then, she has 是ted no time in getting involved, becoming a leader within 立博体育平台第一—the College’s program for first-generation college students—as well as an ambassador 和 tour guide for the office of admissions 和 a resident assistant at her dorm.

Consideration for the award is based on a series of criteria set by NASPA, 包括现在是大三或大四的学生, 优秀学术, making contributions in service 和 leadership above 和 beyond other students, 和 helping create a positive environment for classmates. It is also required that the winning student intend to pursue a career in student affairs after graduation, 哪个萨米恩托做的.

朱莉Carballo, 第一代副院长, 调动和老兵计划, 提名萨米恩托获得该奖项. 她还收到了来自 GaigalasDavin艾伦 22年20/M,区域大厅主任. Sarmiento plans to take her experiences with her for a career in student affairs after she graduates.

We caught up with Sarmiento 和 asked about her experiences:

You got involved very quickly after coming to 朝鲜中央. Why is it so important to you to offer your help to other students as a resident assistant 和 transition ambassador? 

当我在莱克郡大学学习的时候, I often found it difficult to not only be involved on campus but (to) find mentors 和 peers I could rely on. When I began my first semester at 朝鲜中央 during the fall of 2021, 我对我得到的所有支持感到惊讶. This made my experience as a transfer student soothing 和 welcoming. I became involved with the Office of Residence Life because I wanted to create an environment for my residents like the one I (found). I strive to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed 和 make them feel like they have a space 和 true presence on campus. 作为转校生和第一代学生, I found myself relying on other people with similar experiences. I wanted to be able to provide future transfers with the resources I 是 once so graciously given 和 become a mentor to them. I have always had a love for programming 和 community engagement, 和 being a resident assistant 和 transition ambassador gave me an opportunity to give back to the campus that so kindly welcomed me into my new home.  

How did 立博体育平台第一 help you in your transition from Lake County to 朝鲜中央? What 是 the most important thing you needed that you got from 立博体育平台第一? 

立博体育平台第一 gave me the proper resources to become involved on campus 和 to be academically successful. The workshops they provided for transfer students helped me get acquainted with campus life. 玛丽莎 和 Julie have also become my mentors 和 people whom I greatly look up to. 在我所面临的任何挑战中, they have always been there for me 和 have allowed to grow both professionally 和 as an individual.  

What do you like to share about your own experiences when you give tours of campus? What advice do you offer to prospective students who are thinking about college? 

I like to tell prospective students that they aren’t in any rush. To take time to figure out what college they truly want to call their home for the next chapters of their lives. 我总是喜欢分享我是如何 had a sense of uncertainty before transferring 和 that it took only one good experience on campus to realize how much 朝鲜中央(适合我). 

What is the most rewarding part of being a resident assistant? 

The most rewarding part is having residents that … come to you with any problems they might have 和 knowing you are able to help them. 也, 当我主持节目时, … my residents show up 和 I get to spend time with them, 这也是非常值得的. 

在这里工作最吸引你的是什么 student a毕业后的事? 

The thought (of) helping other students find themselves 和 their calling is what compels me to pursue a career in student affairs. I want to be a mentor 和 a resource to future students 和 their families. 


我不觉得有什么不同, but I can certainly say that my mom is extremely proud of every single one of my accomplishments 和 everything I do is for her 和 the rest of my family. 如果有人是后起之秀的话, it’s my mother due to all her hard work 和 the support she’s always giving me. 

中北书院 student Nanci Sarmiento accepts her NASPA Rising Star Award.